Dan Limbach
Pharmceutical companies have been using social media for branding and tapping into the buzz about their company and its products. Purdue Pharma is using Twitter to help fight crime at the local pharmacy level with its just-released RxPATROL(r) Twitter feed to assist its rxpatrol.org website.
When criminals steal from pharmacies, it affects the pharmacy, the drug company, and the patient. Twitter's immediate style of communication could help identify criminals and help prevent crimes in the future. The feed will provide information on recent crimes, as well as tips on how to reduce crimes at pharmacies.
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When criminals steal from pharmacies, it affects the pharmacy, the drug company, and the patient. Twitter's immediate style of communication could help identify criminals and help prevent crimes in the future. The feed will provide information on recent crimes, as well as tips on how to reduce crimes at pharmacies.
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great post!
We all know that Twitter is commonly used for branding and marketing the business. But a few of us know that this is also a useful tool to avoid crimes and other business crisis that awaits along the way. Handling crisis is a costly turn in a business, as they always say, prevention is better than cure. Preventing crisis with Twitter may not totally eliminate some down parts to happen, but at least it is true to some minor things that may become huge if not given the right prevention. Some contractor leads the business world because of their balance marketing, publicity, customer relations and crisis management. I guess these make the business stand strong in the consistently changing world.
It's safe to say using an array of channels for branding and marketing is more effective than putting all your marketing eggs in a couple baskets.
It is not terribly expensive to tap into social media, but it does take time to maintain the rigor of regular updates. Treat social media as you would any other form of advertising and marketing. Any social media campaign requires respect from inside the company before it will deserve the respect of the market.
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